COGVIC is short for "Catalogue Of Germline Variants In Cancer". The COGVIC for germline variants in East Asian population provides variant description, analyzed results and associated disease information from large-scale exon sequencing data sets. We report germline variants from 2112 East Asian cancer studies across 19 cancer types.

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Searching COGVIC by five different ways:

  1. Gene: Search the COGVIC database with the gene symbol.
  2. Chromosome ID: Search the COGVIC database with chromosome ID, user can choose by clicking the chromosome ideogram graphic.
  3. SNP ID: Search the COGVIC database with SNP id ( id from dbSNP).
  4. Population: Search the COGVIC database with mutation frequency (0: non-EastAsian; other: EastAsian).
  5. Disease: Search the COGVIC database with disease name related with mutation.


In this section, we show the data creation process of this database and present the statistics of the high frequency mutation genes in the database, and we can understand the distribution of the germline mutation gene involved in this database in the whole human chromosome.


The user can browse all the information of germline mutation in this section, and click on the mutation they are interested in to see the specific information of the mutation.


If users need to annotate their own gene variant files (*.vcf), they can download a zip file of this database resource here.


Developers can now request access COGVIC data with API. You can get access license and access document in this section.

Website Info

The server of COGVIC was developed with the MediaWiki package, which is widely used to build wiki applications, including Wikipedia. All variation annotation pages were generated with an automated annotation pipeline(Detailed in Information page), and they can only be updated by a COGVIC administrator.


If you make use of the data presented here, please cite the following article in addition to the primary data sources:  COGVIC: the comprehensive database of germline pathogenic variants in East Asian pan-cancer patients

Shi X, Li R, Zhai J, Chen AM, Huang K, Zheng Z, Chen Z, Dong X, Liu X, Lu D, Feng S, Diao D, Ren P, Liu Z, Morahan G, Cai K.

Copyright © 2021 Offered by COGVIC